Zurich Insurance – Protect Your World

The strategy, both with tactical comms and creative executions, was centered around illustrating the change in emotional connection with our homes and possessions and how they have come to define our world now more than ever.
What world can mean in this context is our place on the Planet, our pride in our Country, our role in our Community, our relationship with our Family and the internal world of how we view, act and respect ourselves.
We want to express the variety of the “worlds” that exist for our customers, and invite them to “Protect your world”.
Norwegian Air – Don’t Like It, Live It.

It’s so easy for us to get lost in our social feeds. We get so distracted by other people’s experiences that we forget to live our own. We scroll through the endless pictures of friends, acquaintances, and people we don’t even know, people who seem to be having the experiences that we only dream of. Those were the moments we believed that Norwegian could own, encouraging you to take a break from your routines, from your social feeds and remember that you can do more than just react to other people’s lives.
ATU – Name & Brand

The creation of a new university for the region is a massive, once in a generation event that will impact the lives of very many students, staff, communities, alumni and partner organisations. We led the process of naming, positioning and visual and language branding for the new university. The brand uses colour inspired by the unique landscape of the Atlantic coast, a functional system built for use across campuses and context, and a unifying language system centring on the brand idea: The Future is Here.
Glass Bottle – Brand

Glass Bottle is a new city quarter in Dublin, built in a unique location where the city and beach meet. At completion, Glass Bottle will be home to some ten thousand people and quarter of the homes built will be social and affordable. It will provide a million square feet of commercial space.
Our team worked with planning, placemaking and urban design teams to develop naming, identity and brand positioning. The treatment takes cues from the glass bottle factory previously on the site, as well as from early edition of Joyce’s Ulysses – some parts of the novel play out on or close to the location of this new place.
MSF – We Can’t Be Doctors Without You

There was never been a better moment to reinforce an understanding and appreciation of the work, goals and vision of MSF. Of what MSF does but perhaps more importantly right now – of why they do it.
Offset Dublin

Founding Offset was driven by a passion for the impact creativity can have on cultural, social and economic enterprise. To create a platform to showcase the best Irish creativity alongside the international best practice. With over 2,500 attendees each year, since launching in 2009, Offset fast became one of the world’s most inspirational, educational and vocational conferences for the design and creative industries.
DCC – Induction

After a lengthy recruitment embargo, Dublin City Council is once again hiring. But to compete with tech giants and local heroes, they needed to create an induction experience that would not only make people excited to join Dublin City Council but make them want to stay.
Zurich Pensions – Be Future Ready

Given that the principal target for the Zurich pension is the self-employed, we developed a series of films to fuel a highly targeted digital and social campaign focusing on self-employed business people whose focus is making their industry and the world in which they live Future Ready. We also found that our target over-indexed to be open to depictions of the future in sci-fi, fiction and film. So in parallel we ran an outdoor and digital campaign showing a future version of Dublin cityscape.